Anna Lindh Foundation

Just like last year, this September, as the leaves begin to turn yellow, we invite you to the second edition of the "Poetry from the East" readings! Here, you will have the opportunity to meet translators and specialists of various Asian languages and cultures, listen to their translations, and hear the poetry in its original language. This poetic event will be enhanced with the subtle infusion of other art forms, adding additional colors to the experience. 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺:  September 27, 6:00 PM at the Vilniaus literatų namai (Šv. Jono St. 11, Vilnius) You will hear Taiwanese, Tibetan, and Bengali poetry. Participants: Balys Astrauskas (ATSI, VU) Tadas Snuviškis (ATSI, VU) Kristė Šlajė  September 28, 6:00 PM at the House of Marija and Jurgis Šlapeliai (Pilies St. 40, Vilnius) You will hear Turkish and Palestinian poetry. Participants: Skaistė Keršytė Ina Kiseliova-El Marassy (LKTI) Noura Al-Mawed Ebru painting demonstration by Karina Baltaduonytė-Kriaupė.  Turkish coffee and tea will be offered by lecturers from the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Natela Statkienė and Akın Gürbüz.  The events are open to all  Organizer: Asia Arts Center Project funded by: Vilnius City Municipality Partners and supporters: Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Hubris Publishing house, Vilnius University Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania, Turkish Embassy in Vilnius, Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies The "Poetry from the East" readings were born from the observation that direct translations of literature from Asian and other less common languages in Lithuania are still not very widespread, and translations often rely on English or other more popular languages. Therefore, with this project, we aim to encourage experts in various Asian languages and cultures to engage with poetic thought and use their knowledge to contribute to presenting linguistic and poetic diversity to our society.    Vilnius, Lithuania