Anna Lindh Foundation

Portuguese Network’s Online Outreach Event
On the 13th of March 2023, Aequalitas, the coordinators of the Anna Lindh Foundation’s Portuguese network, held an online outreach event to share information to both current members and to the general public. During this session, which was held online via Zoom, Mónica Corrigan and Tomás Berger, the co-founders of Aequalitas, presented an overview about the Anna Lindh Foundation. This included not only details about the history of the Foundation and their purpose, but also the various topics of the work plan.  They also took the time to share the current opportunities and services available for the Foundation’s members, such as ALF in Motion, ALF Hands On, Mediterranean Day and Interreg NEXT MED. After that, the focus shifted towards the Portuguese Network its and the main focus areas, which are divided in interest, cooperation and competency development, and were previously collected via a questionnaire.  They also took the opportunity to invite the participants to their Open House, which is happening in their headquarters in Lisbon, on the 21st and 22nd of March 2023.