Anna Lindh Foundation

"Pro et + si affinités", season 4: Call for projects 2022 Films Femmes Méditerranée
Films Femmes Méditerranée launches its event Pro et + si affinités, season 4. This event, to be held in Marseille in September 2022, is dedicated to promoting encounters between the women film-makers selected and professional producers also coming from the Mediterranean region. Its aim is two-fold: to support the film-makers selected in the development of their films and to facilitate the production of their projects. One-to-one exchanges with producers will be made available to them. Workshops with professionals of writing and pitch will also be on offer. Who may participate? Any woman film-maker from any of the countries listed in the Call document attached who carries out a project of feature film (whether fiction or creative documentary), as long as she has already successfully completed a film, short or full-length. Please note that film-makers already selected in 2021 may not apply this year. Deadline to submit an application is set on March 18, 2022. More information at:


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