Anna Lindh Foundation

Project: In the name of Love – Ehe ohne Grenzen’s daily fight against racism.
EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) (Marriage without Borders) is a non-governmental and non-profit association fighting against regulations which inhibit a joint family life. Except for one part time employee, everyone in the organisation is working on a voluntary basis. It consists of 6 members and 4 consultants. The initiative’s main objective is equal rights for bi-national couples: either married or living in a joint household. EOG supports families with the wish to settle in Austria by offering orienting information and true-to-life advice in the field of family life, family reunification, the national alien bill, settlement and citizenship. EOG promotes a modern family picture and wants to improve mutual understanding in the society and supports the people of concern and their role as equal members of society. Through personal experience, the members of EOG have become experts in the area of the very complex Alien Bill and are establishing a set of ‘best practice’ strategies in dealing with the discrimination on behalf of authorities. The ongoing project to offer reliable consulting possibilities for binational couples encountering various amounts of difficulties while attempting to settle down together in Austria is something EOG wishes to pursue, in the hope of fighting racism in the name of love. You can find more information under the following link: