On 4 March, our network hosted the first #ProjectDesignForum @neimënster, giving partners from a variety of fields the chance to jointly imagine and build new projects in view of funding applications.
The event was organised in cooperation with the contact point of the #CERV programme (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme), Anefore, Interreg Grande Région / Großregion, Interreg Europe, Interreg NWE FCCP & Creative Europe Desk Luxembourg - Culture.
We would like to thank our members Association Luxembourgeoise pour le Dialogue Interculturel (ALDIC), Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg - FSL & Alias-Médiation for helping to facilitate the exchange!
VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/annalindh.lu/videos/3636425519911597
PHOTOS: www.facebook.com/annalindh.lu/posts/pfbid0Bh375oywdnAGkZrPV7CiCLZBqVhhzyUrFyo3gCDFc4EiKJmEwoGKjBssmdg6PEJ3l