Anna Lindh Foundation

Promoting Social Equality and Privilege Awareness through 'Youth for Equals-Eu' Youth Exchange"
Support Youth Leaders in Jordan took part, between 16 and 24 May 2023,  as partner organization in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Youth for Equals-Eu" organized by Euro Youth Club in Italy, for 37 youth coming from Poland, Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Greece and Latvia. This project intended to raise awareness, understanding, and introspection amongst youth about privilege and social inequality. The core goal of the project is to come up with ways to reduce social inequality and to raise awareness, understanding, and introspection amongst youth about privilege and social inequality. Support Youth Leaders (SYL) is a Jordanian organization for intercultural leadership that aims to lay the foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and exchange of knowledge among young leaders from the Middle East and Europe. There mission is to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.