Anna Lindh Foundation

Propose activities in Finland for Feb-March funded by ALF!
This funding is for joint events and projects of the Finnish Anna Lindh Network members. The international Anna Lindh Foundation offers extra funding for the use of the National Networks. The funding is to support activities done in February and March. If your organisation has an idea of what we, the coordinators and members of the Finnish ALF Network could do together, please email or call us now. List of the Finnish Network members with contact addresses What is the funding for? The funding is for activating the Finnish Network and encouraging the members to create joint activities. Content needs to involve intercultural dialogue (for examples, see below).  The activities that are funded have to be finished by the end of March. The format is open, there can be debates, discussions, workshops, networking events or cultural events (for more examples, see below).  Online projects rather than physical meetings are better suited for the current Covid-19 situation. FIME as the Head of Network will be one of the partners and will carry financial and contractual responsibility for the action(s).  Formal instructions provided by the Anna Lindh Foundation Secretariat The activities must involve   at least one of the following groups: Gender, youth, civil society organisations, academia, local authorities or media.  at least one of the following themes: Youth, women and climate change.  In terms of concrete actions, here are some examples:  Communication or advocacy campaigns, informative videos, newsletters on intercultural values and principles. Actions that demonstrate the practicality of intercultural dialogue. Cooperation with public authorities to link national and regional policies. Actions that address and contribute to gender equality. Actions that promote SDGs with a specific focus on climate change. Actions that promote and contribute to inclusion as a way to avoid inequalities. Actions that address and combat hate speech. Actions that promote any aspects of culture and creativity as common heritage across the euro-med region.  Capacity building on Intercultural dialogue.  Performances, mobilisation activities or groups revitalisation. In terms of evidence based analysis or research:  On national and/or regional public policies and frameworks related to inter-cultural dialogue (ICD). On methodologies, lessons learned, case studies, success stories. On any of the main areas of work addressed in the main principles to action document including:   Gender equality SDGs in relation to the euro-med region from an ICD perspective  Inclusion policies  Hate speech trends and tendencies  Common culture and creativity in the euro-med region