Within the framework of the project ‘’Youth Abilities for Community Participation’’, Qudrat for Community Development received a team from the Middle East International Institute (MERCI), through 8th till 10th of August 2023, this project is aimed for young people between the ages of 18-30, trained them on writing policy papers and learning ways of peaceful negotiations, and how to develop more solutions to meet the challenges facing their local problems.
The project also calls for projects, building the capacities of youth in Mafraq, activating their roles, interacting with decision makers, training the participants on drafting public policy papers, engaging in workshops and dialogue sessions, and presenting ideas for decision-makers in Mafraq Governorate through workshops and many meetings and visits.
This project is implemented with the support of partnership and funding from the Middle East Civic Initiative (MERCI) of the International Republican Institute.https://fb.watch/mqYkpvlVs_/