Anna Lindh Foundation

Register for ECYC’s conference on Challenge, Change and Opportunity
Challenge, Change, Opportunity: Rethinking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Youth Work," is taking place on October 18th, 2024, in the European Capital of Youth - Ghent, Belgium. This conference provides a platform for stakeholders across various sectors - including youth work organizations, policymakers, practitioners, and civil society groups - to come together, share knowledge, and collaborate on shaping a more just future for Europe's youth. Through workshops, keynote speeches, and interactive discussions, participants seek to not only identify the challenges but also highlight best practices and policy recommendations that can drive positive change.  The European Confederation of Youth Clubs represents a European network of youth work and youth club organisations that practice and promote open youth work and non-formal education with empowering young people  as its main goal. Registration for the conference before 23rd of September 2024 via