Anna Lindh Foundation

Shining a Brighter Light Together
Beit HaGefen, an Anna Lindh Foundation Israeli Network member, recently hosted an inspiring interfaith event on 10.12.23, marking a collaborative effort among multiple organizations and religious groups within Haifa, a multicultural city in northern Israel. Central to this event was a candle-lighting ceremony commemorating the Hanukkah Jewish Holiday—a symbol of eight days of light and hope.   Participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions on the significance of light in our lives, harmonizing their voices in song to celebrate light’s universal essence. Representatives from diverse religious backgrounds delivered speeches, echoing a collective call for fostering hope and peace within our community.   This gathering is a facet of Limmud Haifa—an endeavor promoting intra-cultural inclusivity and nurturing pluralistic learning environments. Through comprehensive daylong learning events, we aim to cultivate communal experiences that fortify Jewish identities while fostering interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding. These interactions serve as catalysts, paving the way for collaborative ventures and joint initiatives in the days to come.   Limmud Haifa combines representatives from several civil organizations in Haifa who contribute to the network's endeavors, as well as our Anna Lindh Foundation Israeli Network members, Beit HaGefen and BINA, as well as our new potential member, Hamidrasha.