Cultural diplomacy, a mechanism for intercultural dialogue, Morocco March 2024
What does football have in common with cultural diplomacy?
In March 2024 a cross network meeting and exchange from the 6-9 March on Cultural diplomacy, a mechanism of intercultural dialogue took place in Tangiers, Morocco.
Anna Lindh Morocco network led the event and hosted 3 days of talks, workshops and activities with network members from Tunisia, Ireland, Spain, France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Fayaaz Allybocus represented Sports Against Racism Ireland (SARI). Fayaaz delivered SARI's Anti-Discrimination workshop, highlighting the power of football as a unifying force across cultures. The event aimed to promote open dialogue and acceptance of cultural diversity.
SARI Ireland was founded in 1997 as a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status dedicated to inclusion, diversity and and equality through sport. SARI uses the power of sport to challenge discrimination, promote cultural integration and drive social inclusion throughout Ireland. Working with schools, Direct Provision Centres, refugee and local communities SARI delivers anti-discrimination educational workshops, intercultural sporting events and a Young Leaders youth development and employability programme collectively creating opportunities for all. SARI’s aim is to develop and deliver practical engagement opportunities for Ireland’s new and established migrant and diverse ethnic communities providing a pathway for personal development, participation in sport/sporting organisations, while generating a culture of inclusiveness and respect for diversity.
Check SARI for more details about their work here