
Anna Lindh Foundation

TAPRI Thematic Doctoral Seminar : Against All the Odds: Exploring the Resilience of Afghan Refugee Children in Secondary Schools in Germany
Tampere Peace Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences organizes the next session of “TAPRI Thematic Doctoral Seminar” where Mr Hamid Aagil Shah presents the proposal for doctoral studies.  Topic: "Against All the Odds: Exploring the Resilience of Afghan Refugee Children in Secondary Schools in Germany" In his doctoral thesis Mr Hamid Aagil Shah wants to understand how those young persons face the school challenges and how they are able to use their own cultural experiences to develop new resilience practices for the education context. Mr Hamid Aagil Shah is originally from Afghanistan. He has been living also in refugee camp in Pakistan for several years. Since last year he is conducting doctoral studies in Department of Social Work and Social Welfare, Faculty of Humanities in the University of Kassel. The choice of the department shows that one of the main concerns of Hamid is focusing of social living conditions of vulnerable populations. Next week Thursday Mr Hamid Aagil Shah is sharing his thoughts with us from Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, where he lands just few days before. There also he will work on vulnerable people and on their development options. For us this is a good occasion to observe and to learn about living conditions as they are seen from inside of these vulnerable societies. Thus, it is an excellent opportunity to discuss with Mr Hamid Aagil Shah about his study plan and about all the challenges there might occur as well as to provide Hamid with comments.   This is a Zoom session on Thursday 1st February 2024 at 13:00-16.:00 (Helsinki time) Join Zoom Meeting (just click this link here or copy it to your browser): https://tuni.zoom.us/j/69073592395?pwd=VVp3dkl4L0phcWw2YUFuZDNEZUt Zdz09 Meeting ID: 690 7359 2395 (Meeting ID only if your programme Passcode: 916779 requires this information)