Anna Lindh Foundation

The ALDA Festival and General Assembly are coming up!
Dear members of the Anna Lindh Foundation, you are most welcome to the festival organised as part of the General Assembly of ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy, which will be held in Etterbeek from 7 to 9 June in the town hall of the municipality under the motto "Local democracy will save democracy". More than a General Assembly, this three-day event will be a real Festival, where ALDA colleagues, members and partners will come together for fruitful exchanges on the EU's key priorities, sharing knowledge and best practice on themes such as migration, inclusion, gender equality, environmental protection, and so on. More specifically, we look forward to seeing you on 9 June at 2pm at the Maison Hap in Etterbeek (508-510 Chaussée de Wavre) with speakers from the European Commission's DG INTPA and DG NEAR, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Anna Lindh Foundation to explore how international cooperation can support democracy beyond the borders of the European Union, including in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Click here for more information! Register here!