
Anna Lindh Foundation

The Beit Project participated to a seminar on combating racism and anti-Semitism
The Beit Project takes part in a seminar on the plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination based on origin The Beit Project has been asked by the Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Scolaire (DGESCO) to take part in a national seminar to be held in Paris from February 20 to 22, 2024! The aim of this seminar is to support the implementation of the flagship measures of the plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination linked to origin (presented on January 30, 2023). One of the key measures of this plan concerns the organization of a historical or memorial visit linked to racism, anti-Semitism or anti-gypsyism for every student during their schooling. It was as part of the first day, devoted to this measure, that the association was asked to take part in and present The Beit Project at the round-table discussion entitled "How far should the notion of a place/site of history and/or memory be extended?". In attendance: a manager from the Musée d'histoire de l'immigration, a manager from the educational department of the Archives nationales, the head of the Seine-Maritime department's fund conservation service, and two academic referents for Memory and Citizenship. An opportunity to exchange ideas and create new partnerships to develop The Beit Project in new academies!