The Boat Project invites you to the presentation of a unique educational project carried out in the Mediterranean over the last 6 months, uniting Marseille, Tangiers, Barcelona, Tunis and Bastia by a sailing boat and its young multicultural crew.
During this extra-ordinary sailing and educational adventure, the Compagnons de la Méditerranée crew from all these cities set up a "nomadic school for living together" at each port of call, where educational activities based on their experiences at sea and ashore and exchanges with local partners took place.
This presentation will be an opportunity to discover the links that have been developed between schoolchildren on different shores of the Mediterranean, as well as the real modern Odyssey of the Compagnons de la Méditerranée!
08 June 2023 at 5.30pm at the Musée d'Histoire de Marseille
Only 170 places are available, so it is important to book in advance to be able to attend the event.
Register here!