Anna Lindh Foundation

The director of the City Library "Paisiy Hilendarski", Asenovgrad, on a work visit to Belgium
We share with the audience the successive successes of the "Paisiy Hilendarski" City Library, Asdenovgrad, which are long-term members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria. Besides being very active at the local level and constantly offering various services to the community in Asenovgrad, the library also participates in many projects financed by various grants. We are now sharing information about their participation in the international project ADELE (Advancing Digital Empowerment of Libraries in Europe), which is financed under the Erasmus + program. The project is implemented by organizations from: Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Bulgaria. The aim of the project is to promote the use of digital technologies through the acquisition and development of digital competences in the field of non-formal education for adults. within the framework of the project, a working visit was held in Brussels, Belgium, which was also attended by the director of the City Library "P.Hilendarski", Asenovgrad - Milena Markovska. During the meeting, the participants had the pleasure of getting to know the work of the neighborhood library "Elsen Public Library", the host library - "Muntpunt Library", as well as the "Royal Library of Belgium", which preserves the literary heritage of Belgium. To learn more about the ADELE project, click on the link: