The EMUNI University is proud to launch the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp (EMIC), an exciting new venture for 2023 to nurture #innovation and #creativity among #youth in the region.
If you are:
✅ aged 18-35 years-old
✅ resident in the Euro-#mediterranean region
✅ and with a novel idea or #invention that can eventually be commercialised, we want to hear from you!
Your application will be reviewed by a panel of experts for their novelty, applicability and feasibility. Short-listed candidates will be invited to the next phase.
The deadline for application is Friday 3 February 2023 - don't hesitate, apply today! ➡️
In partnership with Institut "Jožef Stefan" and Université Euromed de Fès , and with the support of Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS / Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, @Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport and Union for the Mediterranean