ALF LT network member Institute of Asian and transcultural studies of Vilnius University has shared:
A documentary on the freedom to study religions in Central and Eastern Europe was released on September 30, the first ever documentary on the academic study of religion. 🎥
The film involved 20 three-generation scholars from eight countries examining the question of whether we can freely study religions in Central and Eastern Europe today. Among the participants-interviewers - professor at Institute of Asian and transcultural studies of Vilnius University (ALF LT member) dr. Audrius Beinorius, 🗣
30 years after the era of scientific atheism and underground churches, this collection of portraits of life lessons intertwines personal stories with the history of science.
The video can be found at the following link:
Director: Valerio Severino
Prepared according to CROSS project no. 101032467 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA v EUROPEAN COMMISSION.
Executive producer: Department of Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic).