The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) Sarajevo
# SYS23
Youth school Srebrenica 2023.
Several international and local civil society organizations, as well as local and international experts, were part of #SYS23 which we organized in cooperation with Srebrenica Memorial Center, from July 7 to 14 this year.
We would like to thank International Commission on Missing Persons - ICMP, JU Fond Memorijala KS, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Nations in BiH, House of Good Tones, Evropska unija u Bosni i Hercegovini, Subjective Atlas Editions , Perspektiva, Dino Abazović (Univerzitet u Sarajevu), Hasan Hasanović (Srebrenica Memorial Center) and Tanya L. Domi (Columbia University ).
Special thanks go to our participants who came from all around the world to learn about prevention, genocide in Srebrenica, and experience firsthand the life in Srebrenica and Potočari, and another special thanks to our donors for guaranteeing that this school can happen! We bring you a glimpse of the atmosphere in the pictures below.