Anna Lindh Foundation

The Youth Center in Karlovo (Bulgaria) celebrated 15 years of projects with the European Youth Foundation

On December 3, 2024, on the occasion of International Volunteer Day (December 5), the Youth Center in Karlovo organized an event to celebrate 15 years of work on projects supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, which is also celebrating 75 years since its establishment (1949-2024).

In the period 2009-2024, the Youth Center has implemented 11 projects, in which240 young people were directly trained, and over 2,000 were indirectly reached on topics such as: human rights, reducing hate speech and aggression among young people, equality between men and women, combating beauty stereotypes imposed by the media, advertising and social networks, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, active youth citizenship, tolerance, democratic participation of young people in decision-making processes, increasing the environmental awareness of young people.

Over the years, the Youth Center has partnered with all schools in the Karlovo Municipality and some from the city of Sopot.

All the mayors who partnered in the projects for the empowerment of young people from small settlements – the villages of Dubene, Voinyagovo, Kliment, Karavelovo, Bogdan, Vedrare, Beguntsi and the towns of Karlovo, Klisura and Kalofer – were also honored at the event.

There were special certificates for the three local media that always cover youth projects so that they reach more people in the Sub-Balkan area and region, namely RNEWS, KARLOVOPRESS and Podbalkanski novinar.

Awards were also received by the most active young volunteers who actively participated in all projects and initiatives of the Youth Center for 2024, namely: Stiliyana Toncheva, Iliyana Zaharlieva, Gergana Kiryakova, Stella Trifonova, Ivona Golemdzhiyska, Violeta Manovska and Anna-Maria Vradzheva.

The event is part of the project "Local Leaders Today = National and European Leaders Tomorrow", also supported by the European Youth Foundation to empower young people so that they become the leaders of our tomorrow.