Anna Lindh Foundation

Theatre of the oppressed "Together We Stand"
The second activity that will be organized as part of the project "Mind the Language" is a Theatre of the Oppressed that will take place in Sfax, Tunisia on 22nd November 2021. This awareness raising activity is being implemented by our Tunisian partner, WeYouth Organization who will gather a group of youngsters from their community to perform theater of the oppressed on sexist language in the media outlets against women. Through this theater of the oppressed, the youngsters will generate their ideas and perform them to address the sexist language used in the media and to allow the audience to actively participate to change the scenario. The theater of the oppressed will be recorded as a short video and will be published in the You Tube channel of Albanian Media Institute / Instituti Shqiptar i Medias and social media channels of our partners, WeYouth Organization and AIFED The project "Mind the Language" is supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and co-funded by the European within the frame of Intercultural Cities and Learning Programme.