Anna Lindh Foundation

Training Programme for Skill Development of Cultural and Creative Professionals in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

The Organisation for European Programmes and Cultural Relations which operates the Creative Europe Cyprus Office, the National Contact Point for the programme, Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV), as the Coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation Cyprus Network, in cooperation with Materahub and the Anna Lindh Foundation, organized an online training programme for cultural and creative sector professionals from countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region entitled “Building Entrepreneurial, Transversal and Digital Competences for Creative and Cultural Sectors & Industries (CCSI) Professionals in Euro-Mediterranean”.

In the framework of this project, a four-day face-to-face training and networking event took place between 6 and 9 December 2024, in Limassol, Cyprus. The programme was attended by about forty participants from Euro-Mediterranean countries, including Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Italy, Latvia, Germany, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Spain, and the Czech Republic.

The training programme included networking events with Cypriot industry professionals and representatives of Cypriot cultural organisations, empowerment and capacity building seminars, participation in on-site cultural events and cultural visits.