Anna Lindh Foundation

Transnational Youth Forum 2022 - Final Conference
“Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center is eager to announce the "Transnational Youth Forum 2022 (TYF22): Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations" Final Conference, taking place on March 17th 2022, in Nicosia (Cyprus). TYF22 is a transnational project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, which aims at bringing together youth, experts and policymakers from different European countries to foster debate, promote the active participation of young people and raise awareness on climate change actions. Led by “Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center, in Nicosia, Universities and NGOs from Italy, Portugal, and the United Kingdom researched on the rights of Future Generations and the effects of the environmental crisis, and they strive to encourage mutual dialogue on climate change and human rights violations across youth, key stakeholders and policy makers in their local contexts and civil society organisations. During the Final Conference, the aforementioned partners and young participants will present the main findings of their research included in the TYF22 Final Report, discuss a joint policy recommendation document and suggest future awareness raising actions. Learn more by clicking here.