A research and education project from the member organisation Kreisau-Initiative e.V.
The project deals with the history of children abducted from Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and other countries to Germany during world war II and forcibly germanised there. Their fate is still almost unknown today and many still do not know their roots.
By showing the history of these forcibly abducted and uprooted children, we would like to encourage a confrontation with the racist and inhuman ideology of the National Socialists. Furthermore, we would like to advocate for raising awareness of the importance of children's rights.
In October 2022, a learning platform for teachers and educators who want to cover this subject in class or in other settings with youngsters will be launched. There will be diverse learning materials available – from activity plans to a timeline to videos and podcasts.
The basis for creating these learning materials was academic essays written by experts coming from all four countries involved. The articles are available here: https://www.kreisau.de/en/new/historische-essays-zum-thema-geraubte-kinder/
"Uprooted – (Hi)Stories of Stolen Children during World War II" is led by the Kreisau-Initiative (Germany) and conducted in 2022 in cooperation with the organisations Kreisau Foundation for Mutual Understanding (Poland), Post Bellum (Czech Republic) and Tolerspace (Ukraine). The project is funded by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).
Website: https://www.kreisau.de/bildungsarbeit/zeitgeschichte-menschenrechte/uprooted/