
Anna Lindh Foundation

Volunteer Cleaning Work by International Students
Volunteer Cleaning Work by International Students  A total of 13 students from Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Ghana, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Djibouti and Syria, studying at Ondokuz Mayıs University, carried out cleaning work between the Omtel Hotel and Marina District on the Samsun/Atakum coast. The students, who came together for the Volunteering Activities course within the scope of YTB's 2023 International Student Academy, carried out cleaning activities on the beach for about two hours first step sarted from Atakum Omtel Beach Area they collected a lot of garbage. They also stated that the activity encourages intercultural fusion. International students evaluated the activity before and after their service and promised to create a similar activity to contribute to the improvement of environmental pollution. For further details;https://international.omu.edu.tr/tr/haber/uluslararasi-ogrencilerden-gonullu-temizlik-calismasi/122