Anna Lindh Foundation

“We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters” - Website officially launched!
The virtual storytelling project “We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters” has been officially launched!  The link to the website has been presented by Mme Guigou, President of the Anna Lindh Foundation in in a virtual opening ceremony as final part of the event Policy Dialogues of the Anna Lindh Foundation on 2nd December 2020. ZAK as coordinator of the German network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, in cooperation with the Candid Foundation, will gather civil societies’ views in citizen journalist campaign about life during the current pandemic and on prospects after the Covid-19 period. Covid-19 is spreading simultaneously in Europe and in the neighbouring MENA region. It affects every single citizen in the Euro-Mediterranean area – not only in his or her private lives, but also in their work in and for society.  Civil society actors are attentive observers of the public discourse and important contemporary witness of what is happening in their society. While the media primarily provides information from an overarching perspective, we believe that individual active citizens can provide an immediate, authentic, and more detailed grassroots view of this new global situation and of developments in their local societies. We invite citizens of the EuroMed region to take part in a citizen journalist campaign by sharing voices and views on how they have adapted to the new norm and which local initiatives give hope in this situation. We want to understand the state of civil society activism, learn about new ways of active citizenship, activism and participation, and we want to collect examples for social initiatives at the grass-roots level that support the community  small “utopias”, that were put into practice locally throughout the region. The outlook on future challenges and opportunities for civil society in the period during and after Covid-19 is a central element of the project. The new video format, therefore, allows civil society actors from the EuroMed region to express their voices, experiences, and views.  The videos are planned to be released clip by clip using the channels of the Anna Lindh Foundation and Candid Foundation, starting in December 2020.  Visit EuroMed Citizen Reporters and stay tuned for further information! The official Launch of the Website took place on 2nd December 2020, if you missed the event, you can see it here - the festive launch of the website can be seen in the last 10 minutes of the video.   The project is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany