Anna Lindh Foundation

The development of the women's movement in Türkiye has a history dating back to the pre-Republic period, and this history is linked to modernisation as well as the existence of patriarchal power. History is the unity of continuities and breaks; when it comes to the world of culture, ideology and mentality in general, continuities become especially important. From this perspective, we can say that both feminism and anti-feminism in Republican Türkiye strongly reflect the Ottoman legacy. In Turkish modernisation, the fact that women were given the role of carriers of Westernisation and modernisation on the one hand, and on the other hand, the boundaries of this role were tightly drawn by men, is valid not only in terms of mentality but also in terms of more structural features. Today, we clearly observe the existence of these structural features and ideology and the desire to take revenge for their regression.  The seminar is a single course of 2 hours. * A 30% discount is applied to students in this seminar, the discount is only valid when registered with e-mail addresses. Registration and Participation Process* 1) Register for the seminar at 2) If you wish, you can participate face to face in the Engin Pak Business Center hall, or you can watch online via Zoom. Click for the location of Engin Pak Business Center. 3) Click on the invitation link that will be sent to you one hour before the start of the seminar and fill out the participation form. 4) Now you can wait for the start time of the seminar. For more information you can visit the link: