Anna Lindh Foundation

National Network

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National Network

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Network Meeting

In 2010, the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies RIIFS was appointed as the Head of the ALF Jordanian Network. RIIFS was established in 1994 in Amman, Jordan, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal. RIIFS is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that provides a venue for the interdisciplinary study of intercultural and interreligious issues with the aim of defusing tensions and promoting peace, regionally and globally. RIIFS focuses on promoting common human and ethical values that contribute to strengthening cooperation and interfaith relations, eliminating mutual misconceptions about the ‘other’ and ultimately expanding these shared commonalities in the hope of promoting peaceful coexistence.

The Jordanian Network consists of 118 members. The goal of the Network is to promote acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect among societies, religions and beliefs and the acknowledgement of the rule of law and fundamental freedoms in the Euro-Med region and to engage large and diverse audiences in the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

The Network’s activities align with RIIFS interests and objectives covering a wide range of topics carried out according to an interdisciplinary approach, including but not limited to: creative dialogue through arts, raising awareness and building capacities of youth and women in different fields, inclusive citizenship, facilitating the creation of EuroMed collaborations and partnerships, and mapping priority areas of intervention and synergies among dialogue actors.

Historical Background of your Network

At the start of 2007, the Head of the Jordanian Network was the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, the ALF organized, in partnership with the Network, a national training seminar for NGOs and civil society groups in Amman which included components on: networking and new media tools; the development of transnational project proposals in the field of media, culture and education; sharing good practice in cross-cultural dialogue work; a simulation of project evaluation and monitoring. In the same year, the ALF also organized a seminar on ‘Linguistic Awareness of Cultures’ and a teacher training workshop on ‘How to Use New Teaching Materials on Religious Diversity in the Classroom’.

In 2010, the Royal Institute for interfaith Studies RIIFS, was appointed as the Head of the ALF Jordanian network. RIIFS was established in 1994 in Amman, Jordan, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal.

Jordanian civil society has been actively involved in developing, leading and partnering in transnational projects for intercultural dialogue, creating partnerships with organizations in more than 30 Euro-Mediterranean countries; projects have focused on the field of education, youth, artistic creation and academic cooperation. In May 2011, the Jordanian Network organized its first common action "Alwan Baladna" festival in collaboration with the Network members and under the patronage of HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal. The same month saw the ALF organize the first Euro-Med High-Level Meeting of Television Leaders at the Dead Sea in Jordan.

Among its activities was a capacity-building activity, entitled “Social Media: Influence and Change”, in response to the “Believe in Dialogue: Act for Citizenship” ALF initiative; and several general meetings with key civil society organizations to formulate network strategy. Moreover, the National Network organizes each year a program of several activities on “Active Citizenship” that is implemented in the governorates of Jordan (north, middle and south) reaching youth, women and refugees. Its latest capacity building was under the title ‘’Dialogue for Citizenship’’ in December 2019.

National Network News