The Anna Lindh Network of Luxembourg and the Greater Region currently welcomes around 30 Member Organisations from within and around Luxembourg. Members consist primarily of associations and civil society organisations active in the fields of intercultural dialogue, culture, active citizenship, youth, inclusion, and informal education. The network also includes high schools, educational foundations, and institutions founded by municipalities.
The network meets around every two months, organising capacity building events for civil society, intercultural public dialogues, transnational cooperation projects, youth exchanges, and cultural events. Members mutually support one another in their activities and design new joint projects in the field of intercultural dialogue. Members also aim to strengthen cooperation between all networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation by designing and implementing projects which benefit from transnational cooperation.
neimënster (Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster) has been the Head of Network since 2009, when it was first appointed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. Since then, the cultural centre has been re-elected by its members every three years. In 2017, the association Our Common Future was elected as head of network acting in cooperation with neimënster.
The Luxembourgish network has always been a small network, gathering around 10 members who work closely together on a variety of projects including cultural weeks, youth exchanges, forums, conferences, theatre plays and more.