
Anna Lindh Foundation

Analysis: Implementation of the UNESCO Convention in the Digital Environment in Austria
Implementation of the UNESCO Convention in the Digital Environment in Austria
Publisher: UNESCO, Österreichische Nationalkommission
Year of Publication: 2021

In 2019 UNESCO published the Open Roadmap for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) in the digital environment. Based on the UNESCO Open Roadmap, the Austrian Commission for UNESCO commissioned Dr.in Laura Wiesböck in 2021 to conduct an expert analyzes on the implementation in Austria. The 20 benchmark activities of the Open Roadmap serve as a reference for Austrian developments and activities that are already underway. The results are suitable as an approach for a National Roadmap in the sense of the UNESCO Convention. The analysis addresses the status quo in Austria on the one hand, but it also looks outwards to analyze good practice examples from Germany, Canada or South Korea. The results are intended to provide a basis for further activities and to identify fields of action and possible measures for implementing the convention in the digital environment in Austria.

