Anna Lindh Foundation

Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean: Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region
Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean - Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region
Author: Sultana,Ronald G (ed).
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Year of Publication: 2017

Perhaps no other challenge preoccupies governments and citizens in the Mediterranean region than the mass unemployment of young people, many of who have invested in higher education in the hope that ability and effort lead to fulfilling lives. Transitions to independent adulthood are, however, frustratingly long drawn-out, and often jeopardised by labour markets that are neither youth-friendly nor meritocratic. While such challenges require structural responses at the macro-economic level, career education and guidance have an important role to play in addressing both the public and private good, and in furthering the social justice agenda.

This volume provides a state-of-the-art review of career education and guidance in Southern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa Region, presenting a multi-faceted portrayal of the situation in each country as well as overviews of cross-cutting themes that are especially relevant to context, such as women’s career development in the Arab states, job placement support for refugees, and the impact of faith on livelihood planning.


EuroMed, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean