
Anna Lindh Foundation

Connekt: Cross-Regional Youth Forum: Youngsters as Actors for Prevention
Author: European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).
Publisher: the European Commission and Research Executive Agency are not responsible for any information it contains.
Year of Publication: 2023


On 13-14 December 2022, CONNEKT organised the Cross-Regional Youth Forum on violent extremism (VE) in Spokje, North Macedonia. Hosted by the Islamic Youth Forum (IYF), the gathering addressed the role of youths within the frame of VE and, through an innovative dynamic methodology, engaged youths in the reflection on the drivers of VE and the creation of prevention measures. All the members of the Consortium met with 16 young people (two per country studied) to promote the views of youths in the field of prevention. Besides youth representatives and members of the CONNEKT Consortium, institutional representatives, researchers, community-led practitioners, policy-makers and other external stakeholders also took part in the Forum. There is growing literature on youth radicalisation. However, most of the literature does not take into account young people’s opinion and views them as subjects that can be potentially radicalised, instead of agents of prevention. During all phases of the research, CONNEKT places youth as a relevant legitimate voice in understanding the phenomenon of VE and constructing prevention strategies, rather than as passive subjects that are merely the targets of prevention. The seminar, framed within the WP6 “Empirical research: micro/individual drivers of violent extremism” of the project, aimed to create an informal discussion where young participants could connect and interact with each other and with CONNEKT’s researchers in a fluid and equalitarian environment. It brought together a diverse group of young people engaged in their communities to develop creative and innovative ideas and strategies for the prevention of VE. The engagement of youth in the discussion of prevention measures, besides empowering young people, contributes to the quality and appropriation of results. Moreover, it gives more legitimacy to the results and provides useful insights to inform the following phases of the research.
