
Anna Lindh Foundation

Facets of Political Representation of Women in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
Facets of Political Representation
Author: Adrian BASARABĂ, Roxana NECȘI
Publisher: Revista Universitară de Sociologie – Issue 1/2024
Year of Publication: 2024

The paper reviews the main aspects concerning the political representation of women both in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the related influencing factors and the differences between the two states. In order to carry out this comparative case study we used main research methods as follows: desktop research and review of relevant documents, interview and statistical analysis methods.

The methodology combines quantitative research, more precisely statistical analysis focused on the political representation of women from the two states at Parliamentary level, as well as on ranking of the two countries in international rankings, while qualitative research side is illustrated by the interviews conducted with two female politicians i.e. Ms. Alina Gorghiu, Senator, from Romania, and Mrs. Doina Gherman, Deputy from Republic of Moldova. Paper’ conclusions highlight the fact that the Republic of Moldova ranks better than Romania in terms of political representation of women due to its legal provisions on political representation by gender quotas.


