Anna Lindh Foundation

How the Intercultural Integration Approach Leads to a Better Quality of Life in Diverse Cities
How the Intercultural Integration Approach Leads to a Better Quality of Life in Diverse Cities
Author: Joki, Anne-Lindeand & Wolffhardt, Alexander.
Publisher: Migration Policy Group
Year of Publication: 2017

The Intercultural Cities Index (ICC) has been completed by 80+ cities and towns across 28 countries in order to assess to what extent local authorities implement interculturalism. The full ICC questionnaire is well-established as a gateway for cities to learn from each other and to identify their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to a model Intercultural City Strategy. The impact of the ICC approach has also been positively self-assessed by member cities, who have seen positive changes in the areas of education, culture, arts, sports and local political participation (Council of Europe 2015).

But how can ICC’s local intercultural policies actually improve interculturalism and well-being in practice1? To answer this key question, the Migration Policy Group has conducted a yearlong research project with the aim to improve the reliability and usefulness of the ICC Index. This report identifies the links between cities’ local intercultural policies, national integration policies and local well-being. Overall, this report confirms the reliability of a new core ICC Index for measuring local intercultural policies, evaluating the links with local attitudes and well-being, improving local policies and raising the national debate.
This report’s recommendations present the ICC secretariat and cities with new opportunities to reflect and to act.


EuroMed, Europe