
Anna Lindh Foundation

New Perspectives for EuroMed Education: Cross-Cultural Education for Intercultural Citizenship
Author: Tabbara, Nayla.
Publisher: Quaderns de la Mediterrània
Year of Publication: 2015

Over the past twenty years, and since the launch of the Barcelona Process, the international community has been supporting Euro-Mediterranean initiatives in the framework of intercultural education implemented by both international non-governmental and national civil society organizations. The sum total of these initiatives and their cumulative effect has yet to be evaluated.
Nonetheless, one can witness the proliferation of intercultural educational programs, courses and training on dialogue, on intercultural issues and on global challenges, aiming to build mutual understanding and a framework of shared values and principles across the Mediterranean shores and among youths from different cultural backgrounds. Yet the context that led to the Barcelona Process has changed. With the revolutions in Arab countries as of 2011 shifting the power dynamics in the Arab world but also creating a new wave of violence and a new refugee problem all over the Mediterranean, and with religious extremism and terrorism in the name of religion becoming a global problem, intercultural education should take on new forms.


EuroMed, Europe, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean