
Anna Lindh Foundation


The Young Civil Society Leadership Programme (YCSLP) aims to identify, build the capacity and create a network of highly skilled and empowered youth leaders in the EU southern neighbourhood countries. Young civil society leaders are equipped to collaborate and design joint projects that address shared challenges in their countries. These collaborative efforts enable them to make a meaningful impact on their communities.

During this journey, participants receive ongoing support and mentorship from the implementing team and experts. The programme adopts a participatory approach, helping young civil society leaders build their capacities while providing a platform to exchange ideas, create joint actions, and work together effectively through the following phases: 

Programme phases​

Selection of Young Leaders ​

Identifying young civil society leaders having a good record of civic engagement, advocacy and policy dialogue with innovative participatory solutions for specific social challenges.

Enhancing Capacities

Engaging in capacity-building sessions to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for planning and implementing community-based actions. This phase includes four online training modules.

Ideation and Project Design

Receiving mentorship to refine the community action ideas proposed by the young leaders, ensuring they are relevant and feasible. This also involves identifying potential networking opportunities.

Community Building Bootcamp

Finalising the proposed action plans with the support of facilitators and experts and exploring collaborative opportunities.

Implementing of Actions​

Applying their learning by implementing the agreed-upon community actions driving meaningful change in their communities.

Each cohort concludes with a closing ceremony. However, the journey doesn’t end there; young leaders stay connected with future cohorts and join the alumni network.

The Young Civil Society Leadership Programme (YCSLP) is part of the Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality II, funded by the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), led by Development Alternatives (DAI), and is implemented by the ALF.